Friday, October 9, 2015

Hand Picked Lunch

My son came to me this week and asked for more lunch in his lunchbox. I always have to smile when he comes to me with his very serious "we have to talk about your lunch box packing" face. Like all kids he goes through faces of very little or big appetites and it is hard to always know exactly how much to pack. I asked him to give me a list of foods he wanted in his lunchbox and then packed our Easylunchboxes according to his list:

Packed are:
  • a Cliff Bar Zbar (cut in half)
  • Pirates Booty
  • a rice roll and
  • three homemade onigiri

He came home happy and finished his left overs for snack. It is important to give our children input in the lunch packing! Include them in the choosing of the lunch foods and in determining how much food they need!

What I used to make this lunch (contains affiliate links):

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