Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Halloween is Near" Easylunchboxes

Halloween is only 22 days away and I decided it's time to break out the Halloween decorations. Mornings have been hectic and time is not always on my side, so these are all "5 minutes or less" lunch ideas. Adding a few cupcake rings or fun wooden spoons can dress up any regular lunch and make it spooky, fun or festive.

Halloween School Lunch Easylunchboxes -

My son thought a Hulk sandwich would be perfect for a Halloween themed lunch and we packed his Easylunchboxes with:
  • a delicious chocolate spread Hulk sandwich
  • Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
  • an apple sauce
  • and a few of our Halloween lunch decoration.

Halloween School Lunch Easylunchboxes -

This is as simple as it gets. The same lunch as above with a cute ghost and glow-in-the-dark spider cupcake ring. 

Halloween School Lunch Easylunchboxes -

My youngest son wanted an orange lunch in his orange Easylunchboxes and we packed:
  • Annie's Ceddar Bunnies
  • applesauce
  • mini sandwiches
  • and an organic Z bar with Halloween wrapper
If you want to spruce up your lunches with a few fun decorations, you can find what I used above here (contains affiliate links):