My daughter loves the Wonder Pets - especially Linny, the Guinea Pig. I have been trying to create a Linny lunch for her (with little success...who knew making a guinea pig was so hard!) and finally realized that I can use the CuteZCute Cuddle Palz hamster. I surprised her with a Linny Lunch this morning and she loved it:
I packed our Easylunchbox with:
- cherry yogurt with bear sprinkles
- a small apple
- and a peanut butter CuteZCute Cuddle Palz Linny with Pomegranate Bonga Baobab Superfruit chew accents (you can mold the fruit chews to make the cape!) rescuing a baby monkey
The fruit chews are not only delicious but you can also mold them into fun accents for lunch or pastries!
Things I used to make this lunch (contains affiliate links):
Super cute!