Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of School 2013/2014

Yesterday was our first day back to school for everyone. Thankfully everybody had a wonderful day. I had to wipe away a tear or two and cannot believe how fast they grow up.

Here are our First Day of School Lunches:

First Day of School bento lunchbox - www.mamabelly.com

My second grader was happy to take a school themed lunch in his Good Lunch Box:
  • garden cucumbers and baby carrots
  • strawberry hearts
  • two peanut butter sandwiches and
  • a Enjoy Life Cocoa Loco bar
I also added a sweet Lunchbox Love Card to make sure he knows how much I'll miss him!

First day of School Laptop Lunches bento lunchbox - www.mamabelly.com

My third grader wanted his Laptop Lunches bento box filled with all his favorites:
  • apples and strawberry hearts
  • Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
  • a cute Snoopy container filled with dark mini chocolate chips for the vanilla yogurt
  • Snoopy peanut butter sandwiches
  • vanilla yogurt and a
  • cereal bar
I also packed a Lunchbox Love Card in his lunch. It was very quiet here without him.

First day of School Laptop Lunches bento lunchbox - www.mamabelly.com

For my oldest son it was the first day of Middle School and nothing cute was allowed. We packed his Laptop Lunches bento box with:
  • apples and strawberries
  • Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
  • a Woodstock container with dark mini chocolate chips for the yogurt
  • two left over chicken pieces from the day before
  • Vanilla yogurt and 
  • a cereal bar
His Lunchbox Love Card is turned around to just show the trivia. All grown up!

First day of School After School Snack (muffins) - www.mamabelly.com
Our after school snack

Things I used to make our lunches (contain affiliate links):


  1. Those Snoopy Stars are too cute! I will be so sad when my daughter gets to the ''nothing cute'' age. :( They do grow up too fast. Great lunches though.

  2. Love the way you cut your strawberries!

  3. Fantastic back to school lunches. Love the picture of the kids, too!

  4. First day lunches look awesome! :D

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo at the top! My little W. growing up! And when did J. get a RAVENS back pack?! I will have to mess with him tomorrow ;)
    -Ms. Shipp

    1. Thank you, Ms. Shipp! W. is growing up so fast :) J. asked for the Ravens back pack for this school year. I think you have finally convinced him to leave the Steelers in the dust and support the right team, lol. ~Nina
