Friday, July 19, 2013

Pool Lunches

We are experiencing a heat wave - like most of the country - and projected temperatures are in the triple digits. The kids want to head to the pool as early as possible and I am all in favor of fun and cool activity.

Heading to the pool in the morning also means we need lunch. For all 5 of us and possibly something more then a box of crackers. We brainstormed together and picked our Easylunchboxes for ease of packing in an assembly line. 

Everybody helped put together the lunches and we kept is simple and uniform to be faster (we packed this lunch in 10 min!) and make it easier on little hands.

The result:

Our 5 Easylunchboxes are packed with:
  • cucumbers, carrots, grape tomatoes and radishes
  • Annie's Organic Snack Mix
  • 3/4 of a sandwich of choice (we packed peanut butter and jelly and cheese sandwiches)
  • and a small silicone cup with slice strawberries and a mini fork 


We were able to fit all the lunches in two of our Easylunchboxes cooler bags which fit in my beach bag. So convenient!

Yum! We loved our pool lunches and this was so much healthier and nutritious then grabbing snacks from the snack cabinet.


  1. Love the rainbow of yummy lunches!

  2. Thanks for posting this. I have some kids coming to visit soon and was wondering how I'll be making pool lunches that are easily portable. We have lunchboxes but with all the other pool gear, it gets tricky!
    Good idea! Thanks again!!
