Monday, May 6, 2013

Muffin Tin Monday

Today's Muffin Tin Monday theme is Classic TV & Cartoons and the first movie I thought of was Mary Poppins. My kids love the Julie Andrew's version and since we are all home sick they all helped make today's Muffin Tin:

  • "A Spoonfull of sugar makes the medicine go down..." fruit snacks
  • Mary Poppins' hat on Strawberry yogurt
  • Jane and Michael tucked into a cucumber and carrot bed
  • Musical notes tomatoes for all the great music in the movie
  • Mary Poppins' purse peanut butter sandwich with fruit leather detail
  • and of course her umbrella which is an apple with fruit leather
Here is our favorite song:

What is yours?



  1. I loooooove Mary Poppins. With a huge pink puffy heart! Super cute muffin tin. Thanks for linking up this week! :)

  2. Oh, how adorable! I love the Mary Poppins hat and the kiddos tucked into bed. ~Such good ideas!
