Friday, April 12, 2013

Will the mouse get the cheese?

We woke up to a thunderstorm and sick kids so there will be no school lunches today. Instead I packed my daughter a fun lunch in her new Innobaby Din Din Smart Platter:

I packed her some banana and strawberry yogurt, a radish mouse trying to steal her cheese cubes, a fruit salad with honey and two mini cheese quesadillas.

My daughter loved the radish mouse and wondered if she was hungry, too. Maybe they can share the cheese ;) If you'd like to find out how to make this radish mouse check out THIS tutorial!


  1. Aww sorry to hear about the thunderstorm and sick kids :( Hope you're all feeling better now! That mousie is so cute! Thanks for linking up to Meatless Monday!

  2. Super cute! Love the lunchbox. Hope everyone is better now! Thanks for sharing this at my Pin Me Party!
