Friday, March 22, 2013

Easter Lunches

Today is the last day of school before spring break and I made the kids special lunches for the occasion! I am also reading to my son's class about the Spring Equinox and cultures all over celebrating the beginning of spring. I made them Easter themed lunches since we will be celebrating Easter next week :)

We packed a celery and carrot garden, oranges and two shaped peanut butter pockets.

I also found a sweet Lunchbox Love Card to match our Easter theme!

The other lunch we packed were a left over cinnamon roll, oranges and two oven baked pancakes. They also packed a mini dipper with syrup and a Chobani Champions Banana Honey yogurt. Easter breakfast in Easylunchboxes!

1 comment:

  1. Love the lunches! LOVE the celery garden! I wish *I* liked celery so I could make one for myself ;)
