Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lunch Munch

We were gone Monday and Tuesday to visit with family but this morning we are back and packing lunches, snacks and a second breakfast!

Also, this is the last day to enter my Lunchbox Love Giveaway! Don't miss it!

We packed popcorn, apples and a puzzle peanut butter sandwich for lunch. They also brought yogurt and ice water and today I also added a Lunchbox Love Card! Yay for left handed Polar bears :)

Lunch #2 also has popcorn, apples, yogurt and ice water but for my oldest I packed a nitrate free ham and salad sandwich. He also has a Lunchbox Love Card which gives a whole new meaning to the mini van ;)

We are so excited that our yumboxes came and packed our first lunch in it today. I packed my first grader some of the new Chobani Champions tubes, apple bunnies, Naturebox cinnamon almonds, two mini chocolate chip cookies, two bear peanut butter and honey sandwiches, carrots and a few chocolate chips. He also has ice water and of course a Lunchbox Love card. Well, and now we know that we will never see a crocodile sticking it's tongue out at us, lol!

Since we have to catch up on some things and run errands I also packed my 3 year old a yumbox with a second snack breakfast. She has cheese, apples, carrots, Naturebox cranberry almond bites and some nitrate free ham.

My oldest also needed a snack today so we packed apple bunnies, a cereal bar and Naturebox cashew power clusters in our Lunchbot Trio.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I haven't seen you around much. I've been busy! These are cute. I love your swirl bread!
