Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Bento To Be Thankful For {For Mommy}

The theme for this year's Bento Bloggers and Friends Thanksgiving Blog Hop is

I am thankful for...

I am thankful for so many things in my life but the most thankful I am for my family. They have supported me daily by eating my bento creations, dealing with my bento gear all over our kitchen and by sampling new recipe ideas. Thank you for helping me start my Facebook page and liking all my posts! Thank you for commenting on my blog and for encouraging me to keep going! Thank you for long phone calls about photoshop and other picture editing programs and for simply listening when I am over the moon that someone retweeted me! Thank you for supporting me in my passion!
But most of all thank you for enjoying the fact that I make you lunch ~ I love you!

This bento was packed in our ECOlunchbox and I packed it for myself - but don't worry! I still fed the kids ;) I packed them fairy bread by request :) I packed white rice, and vegetables (black beans, onions, corn and peppers) as well as my wonderful family made out of cheese, chicken, turkey pepperoni and cucumber skin. I have a cutter that you can use to piece together faces, hair and arms which I used to create this bento.

Ming from Bentomonsters is also thankful. Find out what she is thankful for by clicking this button:

Also linking up here:
Things I used to make this lunch: 


  1. What a deliciously wonderful family!

  2. this is so freaking cute, Nina! LOVE IT.

  3. Great job, Momma!!! We won't even report you for eating your own kids ;) <3

  4. Such cute little faces! Love it.

  5. Very cute!! I love how you made the hair!

  6. BEAUTIFUL!! I especially love the colors of your corn/beans/onions/peppers - MmMMMMMmmmmmMMMm!! Looks TASTY!

  7. Cute! I think I have the same set of cutters as you do, I find them extremely useful!

  8. These are FANTASTIC! I love your write up, too!

  9. Great detail on the faces and such as sweet post.

  10. Super cute family! Love, love, love! :)

  11. I love it! And I love those lunch day!

  12. This is so adorable! I love your bento lunch, Nina. Wish I could learn how to make your bentos. They are all so cute :)

  13. Love your sweet family!! Beautiful job :)

  14. So cute! I like that you are thankful your family enjoys eating your lunches. They are adorable.

  15. Beautiful!!! I don't think you lost any mojo!!!

  16. This is so sweet! I love your family bento! I am thankful for you, Nina! Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Awwww… Love your post. I'm away from my families too, missing them so much! >.<

  18. Beautiful, delicious family, what could be better than that!!! Lovely!!

  19. Wow, your lunch is incredible and adorable. and it looks really yummy. Something I could eat right.this.second. :)

  20. So adorable! Love the plank background. Thanks for linking up to my Pin Me Party! I've pinned this! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  21. They're so cute! Yay for family!

  22. This has always been one of my favorite lunches of yours, I can't believe I didn't comment earlier. Such a loving family :)
