Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pumpkin Lunches

 My kids asked for pumpkins in their lunches today and here they are:


I packed our yubo with a chocolate spread sandwich pumpkin, Chobani vanilla yogurt with a frozen peach yogurt pumpkin and some pistachios. I don't have a pumpkin face cutter so I just cut the shape with a vegetable knife and added a leaf :)

For this lunch I cut up some apples and carved one of the bigger pieces into a pumpkin, also packed a cheese crackers with a Mummy pop up and another chocolate spread pumpkin sandwich. This pumpkin did not come out quite as good as the first one o-O


  1. I like the swirly bread look.for the pumpkins and your blog is adorable.

  2. Ooooo... your new blog design looks fantastic!
