Monday, June 4, 2012

Sushi in a Cup

I was experimenting with brown rice sushi this weekend and even though my sushi did not keep it's shape the way I had hoped, it was delicious. The kids loved the rice and so I made them Sushi in a Cup for school today :)

Packed today is Pirate Booty, an all natural applesauce, garden cucumbers, dye-free chocolate animal crackers and Sushi in a Cup. The rice is seasoned with salt, pepper, sesame oil and mashed avocado and the face is made out of nori. I added a little ketchup for happy red cheeks :) We also packed yogurt and ice water.

Happy Monday and a hopefully good start into the week to you all,



  1. Tolle Idee - da bekomme ich glatt wieder Hunger! :-)

  2. Have you noticed your kids being open to more foods since you started making such fun lunches? Or have they always been adventurous eaters?

  3. I have seen a lot of change in their openess to try and eat a wider variety of food, Sara! I am from Europe so I have always believed in offering new food over and over again until they try it and we eat a wide variety of foods that the kids were exposed to from early on. However, presentation was the first step of making food fun and suddenly brokkoli and sweet potato burgers were cute and fun and were eaten. They often help choose and make the lunches or give me ideas and then in turn are proud of their lunch and eat it a lot more willingly then before :)

  4. That's so encouraging to hear. It's good to know that presentation can be another trick up my sleeve. I keep offering no matter the response, and I always act surprised when my son doesn't eat something. I'll say, for example, "I don't understand, you've always loved salad!" Then I usually tell him about one of his cousins or friends that loves it. Sometimes it works and he'll start eating it.
